
When people are asked to refrain from going outside to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the areas where they can work remotely will be severely limited. Here are some tips for remote working for the ones who are alone at home.

Let's start with the following aptitude check. If all of them are yes, then you are a 100% qualified remote worker, no need to worry. If you have some no's, then you can learn the tips from 1 to 5.

【For single households】Remote work aptitude check list

  • I have the opportunity to work from home on a regular basis. < YES / If NO, go see tip #1 >

  • I am completely okay with text based communication. < YES / If NO, go see tip #5 >

  • I have a dedicated work space at home. < YES / If NO, go see tip #2 >

  • My concentration lasts pretty well. < YES / If NO, go see tip #3 >

  • I am good at managing my time. < YES / If NO, go see tip #3 >

  • I have a habit of exercising in my room. < YES / If NO, go see tip #2 >

  • There is someone who I can always casually chat online. < YES / If NO, go see tip #4 >

  • I am good at switching moods. < YES / If NO, go see tip #1 >

  • I have my own way of de-stressing. < YES / If NO, go see tip #4 >

  • I don't feel so lonely even if I spend a lot of my time at home just by myself. < YES / If NO, go see tip #5 >

Tip #1 Decide what not to do

In order to prevent over-relaxing at home, you should decide what you won't do. For example:

  • I won't spend all day in my pajamas

  • I won't leave my bed hair as it is

  • I won't turn on the TV while work hours

  • I won't sit no longer than 1 hour on the chair

You should be careful in advance not to do anything that might cause you to feel unwell or might cause damage for your health.

Tip #2 Decide "the spot" to perform your habit

By fixing your work spot, it will create a similar psychological effect as if you are commuting to work. If your brain naturally switches to work mode just by sitting down in that spot, you are officially a work from home master. If it is difficult for you to secure a place, let's go with the replacement system. In that case, draw a firm line by avoiding touching the computer while eating.

Also, find a spot at home where you can do some light stretching and work out to help you get some exercise.

Related page > Exercise

Tip #3 Manage your time with "25 minutes + 5 minutes"

Working from home has the advantage of being able to work while doing household chores, but you need to be aware of your time in order to balance your daily life and work.

In such a situation, a time management method called the "Pomodoro Technique" is effective. This is a time management technique that involves doing a task such as working, studying, or doing chores for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break and continuing the cycle up to 4 times.

The repetition of this short span of time is attracting attention again when working in a home environment where TV and SNS are within easy reach.

Work for 25 minutes, then take five minutes off, have a cup of coffee and relax. Once you've got a rhythm, you can work for 40 minutes and take 10 minutes off. Find a way to spend your time that works for you.

Tip #4 Talk to someone else

If you're feeling tired at work, make a phone call or take advantage of tools like Slack, Zoom, LINE or Twitter to chat with someone. Even a casual talk can give your tired brain a rest. If you laugh a lot, you'll be able to relax your body and mind. When you can't find the right person, listening to music, drinking a hot beverage, or eating something sweet can also help.

Related page > Food Ingredients, Meals and Recipes


Just as Google's headquarters put a piece of paper on the wall that says "YOU ARE NOT ALONE", the global companies that were among the first to introduce remote work are also concerned about the wellbeing of their employees.

The more we rely on the Internet, the more we inevitably coexist with loneliness. It's important to be aware of your community, your peers, and your family connections. If you feel lonely or see someone who is lonely, give each other a shout out.

Related page > mental health

CONTRIBUTEREditor : Ai SugimotoIllustration : NameDesign : Name